Amitabh Shrivastava

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Amitabh Shrivastava is Director of Adam Smith International's (ASI) Economic Reform Practice. Amitabh joined the company in 1998 and has worked in delivering a range of economic and government reform projects across the world, having previously been international director of operations in South Asia / Asia Pacific, and also working its projects in Africa. He is a financial economist by training and holds a MSc from the London School of Economics. His experience and expertise range from advising governments in implementing complex civil service reforms for improving governance and improving service delivery to the poor, advising in developing PSP / PPPs in infrastructure with a focus on provision of infrastructure to the poor, setting-up and capacity building regulators, labour reforms, social safety nets and privatisations.

Amitabh has advised governments in over 20 countries in Asia, Africa and East Europe. Recent projects are in India, South Africa, Botswana, Ghana, Bangladesh, Rwanda, Oman, Macedonia and Nepal. Prior to joining ASI in 1999, Amitabh worked with a leading Investment Bank and was based in Mumbai. Amitabh was responsible for setting-up ASI's operations in India.[1]


  1. Adam Smith International, People