American Family Association

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AFA Logo, Google Images, Creative Commons

The American Family Association is right-wing Christian and "pro-family"[1] lobbying organization and non-profit 501(c3) that targets media outlets as well as other corporate and non-business oriented organizations and institutions it considers "objectionable"[1] based on its characterization of Christian values. The AFA operates through its monthly magazine, news and activist websites and "nearly 200 radio stations"[1] it owns in the US under the American Family Radio banner.


According to its official website the AFA "exists to motivate and equip individuals to restore American culture to its moral foundations."[1] Its specific mission goals include preserving the "conjugal union of a husband and wife" and the traditional american family unit, and lobbies against homosexuality, abortion, euthanasia and pornography.

In promoting "decency and morals in American culture" AFA works to:[1]

1. to restrain evil by exposing the works of darkness and to promote virtue by upholding that in culture which is right, true and good;
2. to convince men of sin and drive them to Christ's grace and forgiveness; and to
3. to guide and encourage Christians to live-out the new holy identity that is theirs as citizens of Christ's kingdom.


Founded in 1977, the AFA operated under the name of the National Federation for Decency under the leadership of founder Methodist minister Donald E. Wildmon until it changed its name in 1988. The AFA is part of a "Christian Right coalition"[2] of US domestic lobbying groups including American Values, Concerned Women for America, Focus on the Family, and the Southern Baptist Convention. Wildmon has served as the chairman emeritus of the American Family Association and American Family Radio since its inception, but announced his resignation in 2010 due to health issues.[3] Wildmon was replaced by his son Timothy who is now listed as the organization's president. For financial year ending June 2009 the AFA reportedly had $21,408,34 in revenue.[4]

In 2010, the organisation was actively involved in opposing the Park51 community centre that was dubbed a Ground Zero Mosque.[5]




US War on Iraq

While the majority of the AFA's lobbying and activism activities are focused on US domestic politics issues such as homosexuality, abortion and pornography, in 2007 Wildmon signed a declaration along with other right-wing Christian groups, neoconservatives and Zionists "warning Americans of the catastrophic consequences of a U.S. withdrawal from Iraq."[7] The letter was initiated by Gary Bauer's the Forgotten Americans Coalition.


In 2010 AFA's Bryan Fischer who has a long history of publicly voicing his anti-Islam views through AFA's networks[8] voiced opposition to the Cordoba House initiative and declared that the US should have "no more mosques, period," and that "every single mosque is a potential terror training center or recruitment center for jihad."[9]


Facebook Page:
Twitter Page:
Address: P.O. Drawer 2440
Tupelo, MS, 38803
Phone: 662-844-8888


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 AFA, "About AFA", AFA website, accessed on 19 October 2010
  2. Right Web, Concerned Women for America, Right Web website, accessed on 20 October 2010
  3. Staff, Associated Press, "AFA Founder Don Wildmon Resigns as Chairman", CNS News, 3 March 2010
  4. 4.0 4.1 Charity Navigator, "AFA", Charity Navigator website, accessed on 20 October 2010
  5. Adam Weinstein, ""No More Mosques, Period"", Mother Jones, 11 August 2010
  6. AFA, "Bryan Fischer", AFA website, accessed on 20 October 2010
  7. Bill Berkowitz, "Far Right Sells Iraq War to "Values Voters"", IPS, 21 September 2010
  8. Jillian Rayfield, "Searching For Bryan Fischer: One Top Social Conservative's Record Of Xenophobia", Talking Points Memo, 16 August 2010
  9. Jillian Rayfield, "Top Social Conservative Doubles Down: 'Every Single Mosque' In U.S. Is Terror Threat", Talking Points Memo, 12 August 2010