Aberdeen Terrorism Research Unit

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The Terrorism Research Unit was established by Paul Wilkinson in 1980s within the department of Politics and International Relations at the Aberdeen University. The 'unit' consisted of Wilkinson and a team of students who began developing a computer database of terrorist incidents, profiles of terrorist groups and laws and anti-terrorist measures taken by governments. [1] This project - described as being 'unique in size in Western Europe' - was coordinated with the RAND Corporation and the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies (where Ariel Merari was working on a similar project). It almost certainly led to the RAND-St Andrews database developed by Wilkinson and Bruce Hoffman in the 1990s at the University of St. Andrews.[2]


  1. Alex Peter Schmid, Political terrorism: a new guide to actors, authors, concepts, data bases, theories and literature (Amsterdam; Oxford: North-Holland, 1988) pp.146-147
  2. Alex Peter Schmid, Political terrorism: a new guide to actors, authors, concepts, data bases, theories and literature (Amsterdam; Oxford: North-Holland, 1988) pp.146-147