European Advertising Standards Alliance

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The European Advertising Standards Alliance (EASA) describes itself as

the single authoritative voice on advertising self-regulation issues and promotes high ethical standards in commercial communications by means of effective self-regulation, while being mindful of national differences of culture, legal and commercial practice. As a non-profit organisation based in Brussels, it brings together national advertising self-regulatory organisations (SROs) and organisations representing the advertising industry in Europe.[1]

The EASA's general mission is:

  • The promotion and development of self-regulation in the advertising sector.
  • To support the already existing advertising self-regulatory systems
  • The management and coordination of the EASA's cross-border complaints mechanism to ensure that cross-border complaints - through a specific procedure - are resolved quickly and effectively
  • The provision of information and research concerning advertising self-regulation

The purpose of this group is to ensure that the regulation of advertisement in member countries is done through the cooperation of the advertisers the now and to rely on private self-regulatory companies to ensure standards are met. The EASA works together with the European Association of communications Agencies EACA, which in turn works to shape the European Commission's policy making.


The European Advertising Standards Alliance (EASA) was set up in 1992, as a response to a challenge made by Sir Leon Brittan who was at this time the Competition Commissioner in the European Union.










  1. What is EASA?, EASA website, accessed 16 Oct 2009