Michael Wilkes

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General Sir Michael Wilkes KCB, CBE, retired from the Army in 1995 as Adjutant General and Middle East Adviser to the Government. As Adjutant General, Sir Michael was the most senior administrative officer within the Army and a member of the Army Board. During his distinguished career, he saw active service across the world while also commanding at every level from Platoon to Field Army, including commanding 22 SAS and serving as the Director of Special Forces. Sir Michael is Non Executive Chairman of Cyberview Technology Ltd and a Non-Executive director of the Stanley Gibbons Group, both AIM listed. In addition he holds non executive positions on a number of private companies including Britam Defence, Trico Ltd and chairs the Advisory Board of PegasusBridge a homeland security company. He joined the Group on Admission in March 2008.[1]



  1. Heritage Oil - Directors and Management, accessed 11 April 2008.