Advocate Policy and Public Affairs

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Advocate is a lobbying consultancy specialising in healthcare, which was formed in September 2007. According to its website, recent lobbying successes have included "helping a major pharmaceutical client secure an ongoing Ministerial commitment to fund an expensive therapy area, and assisting a leading professional body to amend government legislation during its passage through the Houses of Parliament."[1]


Jamie Holyer, Managing Director and founder. Former Labour Party press officer, Holyer was an account director with lobbying agency Political Intelligence and a senior consultant with Fleishman-Hillard (formerly GPC International). He then went back to Labour to work on the party's third successive General Election victory in 2005.[2]


Clients at the end of 2008 include:[3]

Bayer Schering Pharma | IDIS | Alexion Biopharmaceuticals | Medical Defence Union | Astellas | UKCTA


One Queen Anne’s Gate, London, SW1h 9BT



  1. Advocate website, accessed Jan 2009]
  2. Public affairs agency Advocate launched Pharma Focus, Sept 2007
  3. APPC register to November 2008