Jean-François Cirelli

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Jean-François Cirelli is Vice-Chairman and Chief Operating Officer of GDF Suez. After approximately 20 years in public office Mr. Cirelli moved to the private sector in a career change that positioned him as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Gaz de France before taking his current position with GDF Suez.

Professional Career

  • 2004-2008 – Chairman and Cheif Executive Officer of Gaz de France
  • 2002-2004 – Deputy Director of the Prime Minister’s Office (France)
  • 1997-2002 – Economic Advisor to the President of the Republic (France)
  • 1995-1997 – Technical Advisor to the President of the Republic (France)
  • 1985-1995 – different post in the Treasure Department of the Economy and Finance Ministry (France)[1].

Other Professional Memberships and Offices
