Dwayne Andreas

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Dwayne Andreas is a former director of Hollinger International and since the 1970s has been chairman of Archer Daniels Midland Company[1].

Political Donations

Andreas' $25,000 cash donation to President Nixon's re-election bid in 1972 became a focus of Watergate inquiry. According to an investigative memo uncovered in 1992 that quotes President Nixon's personal secretary Rosemary Woods, Andreas delivered $100,000 in $100 bills to the White House shortly before the 1972 election.

He has given money to Bob Dole, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Jimmy Carter, Michael Dukakis, Jack Kemp, and Jesse Jackson, among others. Andreas and A.D.M. have also given more than $2 million in "soft money" to the Democratic and Republican parties since 1991, according to federal records[2].


  1. PBS, Dwayne Andreas, PBS, Accessed 26-May-2009
  2. PBS, Dwayne Andreas, PBS, Accessed 26-May-2009