Michael Rubin (AEI)

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Michael Rubin is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. He specialises in "the Middle East, with special focus on Iran, Iraq, Turkey, and Kurdish society". According to his AEI profile Rubin "chaired the “Dissent and Reform in the Arab World” conference series, he was also the lead drafter of the Bipartisan Policy Center’s 2008 report on Iran"[1].

At military bases across the United States and Europe Rubin instructs senior U.S. Army and Marine officers deploying to Iraq and Afghanistan on issues relating to regional state history and politics, Shiism, the theological basis of extremism, and strategy[2].



  1. Scholars and Fellows, Michael Rubin, American Enterprise Institute, Accessed 25-April-2009
  2. Scholars and Fellows, Michael Rubin, American Enterprise Institute, Accessed 25-April-2009