Elliot Abrams

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Disambiguation: Not to be confused with Elliott Abrams (two 't's' in Elliott) who served under President Ronald Reagan and was involved with the Iran-Contra scandal.

Elliot Abrams "was born in Philadelphia on May 31, 1947. At the age of 5, he became interested in weather when his father, a research chemist, built a barometer for him. Elliot was a weatherman in his second grade class play and was blamed for rainy weekends in fourth grade.

"Elliot earned a B.S. and an M.S. in Meteorology from Penn State University. In college he was a charter member of Chi Epsilon Pi meteorology honorary society. Elliot is also a distinguished graduate of the United States Air Force Officer Training School.

"Elliot joined AccuWeather in 1967, and was a co-founder of AccuWeather's radio service in 1971. Elliot is now a Senior Vice-President and Chief Forecaster for AccuWeather. Elliot is also co-author of AccuWeather's award-winning On-Line With AccuWeather instructional program for junior and senior high school classes. Elliot is one of two people in the world who has earned the accredited status of Certified Consulting Meteorologist along with the American Meteorological Society (AMS) Seal of Approval for both radio and television. Elliot earned the AMS 1993 award for Outstanding Service by a Broadcast Meteorologist "for his decades of significant contributions to radio weather broadcasting and to weather education at all levels," and followed this up with the AMS 1994 Charles Mitchell Award for "outstanding and unique dissemination of weather forecasts to the nation's public by radio and television."[1]

Resources and articles


  1. Bio: Elliot Abrams, AccuWeather web site.