COP15 Issues Discussion Page

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Keshia: Awesome, now we can all chat about this. Ok, I found a page about BP and other participants in the Global Compact. I'm going to be looking into the Global Compact participants and their connections to the UK government, in particular the DECC. I've added to the DECC page. I will add to the Global Compact page, but if you're looking at BP check out this site--[1] You can type in any org that's involved, such as BP, and then clink on their linked page and there are documents about what they've accomplished and their plan of action. As far as renewable energy, look to the site: [2]. This has the list of people you may want to contact. I have linked this, and listed the people on the DECC profile page, and the Director General Willy Rickett has a page on spinprofiles as well that you can read up on.

Hope that helps!

COP15 structure

List of all parties to COP can be found at

plus long list of observing parties at I recommend looking at just British registered ones to narrow it down

COP15 People

What I am now interested in is WHO exactly from Scotland/UK governments will be going into the summit? This is partly for us to direct our inquiries and also because it will help other activists to target these specific people with information/demands. If anyone gets any leads on this please let us know..and I will do the same.

Renewables lobbies




I noticed Darren's page on the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. It's interesting because some of the groups from that are also signed up on the Global Compact. I'm thinking I will do my project on BG Group because it has that link and there's no information on Spinprofiles about it yet. Also, no word yet on the vacancy, I've been calling, and emailed. I will keep trying before our meeting Tuesday.

Miriam / Keisha- Thanks for the chat the other day it's helped me to narrow the scope of my project. I'm going to follow up Miriam's suggestion and focus on the UK Business Council for Sustainable Energy concerning FOIs. I will also build on the profile of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and a couple of other associations / lobby groups. I would still like to explore the links across the various networks, however, this may be too big a task! I'll check with David and Will.

Keisha: While the BG Group is a member of WBCSD, it is not referred to as a member of the UK regional council although its headquarters are in the UK - but I'll check on this. Consequently, I don't think our FOI requests are going to overlap.

Miriam: I know your angle is company greenwashing - but could you let me know which company you have decided on in case I turn anything up. As you know the BCSE-UK is notorious for its greenwashing and I'd like to know if the company you've settled on is a member.

All for now - Darren

Glad we won't overlap. Random, but I was checking out the DECC website today because I still can't get a hold of that woman to find out if the Head of Copenhagen Coordination position has been filled. I thought I'd try someone higher up on the organogram and guess what, the website is all new and fancy (and missing the organogram). Any thoughts on this? I'm completely lost as to who I should be FoIing now. Would be willing to buy a drink to anyone who could help me out on this?! Thank you! -Keshia


Hi all. I have decided to focus on the British Wind Energy Association which is not a member of UKBCSE but is another trade assoc with all of the members of the UKBCSE in it. It would be interesting to look at the connections between these groups and also to compare their message to COP15, which may be very similar. p.s Ive changed your entries to UKBCSE from UKBCSD..(its sustainable Energy not Development)..sorry to be so pedantic! Will now focus on finding out who the people going to COP15 from Scotland/UK are for a while. Will start a new section. See y'all later and thanks for eveything xx Miriam


Hi Miriam; your not being pedantic but there is also an organisation called the UKBCSD - - which is the UK arm of the WBCSD. ( Another bloody lobby group) Sorry about the confusion, I'm not sure what you altered but could you go back and edit it again please? Thanks D.


sorry Darren! actually I just changed the last letter in your text in this discussion page..nought more..sorry about that. speak soon. Miriam


It seems the UKBCSE and Climate Group are fond of doing things together. See their joint business report on post 2012 implications of Kyoto stuff at (Policy page, then go to Climate negotiations section).

This page is also great for general summaries of what went down at past COPs and to get an idea of some of the UK policies (sift through the text). xx Miriam x