Gregg Butler

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Gregg Butler - Westlakes Research Institute

Butler is director of Integrated Decision Management and ex-Deputy Chief Executive of BNFL. In that capacity, he is still paid significant amounts of money by BNFL - some £53,000 in 2005 and £78,109 in 2004.[1]

Butler is also an ex-Director of Nirex and ex-Member of the UK's Radioactive Waste Management Advisory Committee (RWMAC).

Currently also Professor of Science in Sustainable Development at the University of Manchester Environment Centre.[2] In this capacity, Butler has been quoted as an "energy expert" by the Science Media Centre responding to Blair's calls for an energy debate, yet no mention is made of his financial links to BNFL or pro-nuclear bias.[3]

At IDM, Butler's recent clients have included the Committee on Radioactive Waste Management (CoRWM), the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA), BNFL, the European Union, the UK regulators, the Ministry of Defence and the Department of Trade and Industry.

Formerly MD of Pangea Resources Australia Pty Ltd; Honarary Research Fellow at the WestLakes Research Institute[4]



  1. BNFL, Annual Report and Accounts 2005
  2. Prof Gregg Butler, Contact Details on Website
  3. Science Media Centre, Energy Experts Have Their Say in the UK Nuclear Debate, Press Release, November 22, 2005.
  4. Westlakes Research Institute Website