Andrew Hill

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Andrew Hill is professor of medical psychology at the University of Leeds.

  • 1992 CPsychol - Chartered Psychologist
  • 1988 AFBPsS - Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society
  • 1987 PhD University of Leeds
  • 1979 BSc (Hons) University of Leeds

Biographical Information


Current activities

Hill's current research includes areas in psychological issues relating to nutrition, obesity and eating disorders. The developmental origins of weight control - in particular, media, family and peer influences on children's weight and shape concerns and dieting behaviour. Self-esteem, self-appraisal and overweight - applied to child obesity and adult obesity. Food cravings, aversions and appetite control Obesity and eating disorders.[1]



In reply to an FOI inquiry in January 2009 regarding his membership of the AEF, the University of Leeds replied stating that, " Professor Hill...confirmed that he has no personal arrangements with the Forum or the companies you mention under the University’s arrangements for its staff to undertake a limited amount of personal consultancy. His recollection is that some years ago he was invited to be listed amongst a collection of fellow academics working from different perspectives on issues of concern to him. He has not entered into any financial relationship with the Forum or indeed been approached for such purposes." [4]

Publications, Contact, Resources and Notes


  • MK Lewis and AJ Hill 'Food advertising on British children's television: a content analysis and experimental study with nine-year olds' International Journal of Obesity (1998) 22, 206±214.


Address:Division of Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences, University of Leeds, UK
Phone:0113 34 32734



  1. University of Leeds Andrew Hill,accessed January 9 2009
  2. Charities Commission ASO Accounts 2006, accessed January 23 2009.
  3. Advertising Education Forum AEF Academic Network (AAN), accessed 1 August 2007.
  4. Email correspondence between Janet R Jurica, Senior Assistant Registrar, University of Leeds and Mary Craig January 5 - February 3 2009.