Alberto Pellai
Alberto Pellai is a researcher in Public Health at the Department of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine of the Medical School of Milano State University.
Biographical Information
Current activities
Pellai's research interests include how TV affects children's life and his studies' results have been published in three books for parents and teachers. He became an advocate for a better TV-system in Italy and is working in many media education projects addressing families, schools and children.
- Advertising Education Forum, Academic Network[1]
In reply to an e-mail inquiry in January 2009 regarding his membership of the AEF Pellai stated," I have been invited to be a member of the Forum on behalf of an Italian womand who 5 years ago was in charge of this initiative. she called me and asked me if I was available. after being involved in this network, I was only asked to write a paper for one of their newsletter. I was never involved in anithing else and right now your mail make me aware that it's more than three years that I do not get any news dealing with AEF." [2]
Publications, Contact, Resources and Notes
- Pellai A., Sancini S. (2003) Eating attitudes and Behaviours in a sample of teenage Italian Students in Pamela I. S (edited by) Focus on Eating Disorders Research. Nova Biomedical Books, New York: 57-68, 2003
- Pellai, A, Media Education: An Urgent Tool For Health Education Addressing Teenagers, Newsletter on Children, News, Media in the World, No. 2, 2004, The International Clearinghouse on Children, Youth and Media
- A.Pellai (1996): "Il bambino che addomesticò la televisione. Come crescere bambini felici e tele-educati" Franco Angeli Editore - Collana Le Comete.
- M.Lodi, A.Pellai, V.Slepoj (1997)“Cara TV con te non ci sto più” Franco Angeli Editore
- A.Pellai (1999) “Teen Television. Gli adolescenti davanti e dentro la TV” Franco Angeli Editore
- G.Coari, G.Dinota, M.Modarelli, A.Pellai, G.Rizzi (1999) Io TV, Tu bambino Comune di Pioltello
- Address:
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- ↑ Advertising Education Forum AEF Academic Network (AAN),accessed 1 August 2007.
- ↑ Email correspondence between Alberto Pellai and David Miller January 9-11 2009.