Quiller Consultants

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Quiller Consultants is a PR and lobbying firm. It is part of the Huntsworth Group.

"The Quiller team is drawn from across the political spectrum and has many years of inside experience of Whitehall and Westminster at the most senior level, including Downing Street and the Treasury. This gives us a very broad range of contacts with politicians, civil servants and regulators. We also know how the system really works and how our clients can make their case most effectively. Sometimes this is best done behind the scenes. At other times, the situation will call for a high-profile campaign, where we help clients influence opinion through the media as well as in Parliament."[1]


It offers the following services: reputation management, financial and corporate communications, public affairs advice, campaigning expertise, litigation communications and crisis and issues management.


Quiller lists clients as follows: multinational companies, financial institutions, public sector bodies, foreign governments, membership and campaigning organizations, professional services firms, schools and universities, charities, family offices, and individuals. It notably fails to name any of its clients.[2]

Advisers to the British Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (May 2008).[3]


Peter Barnes Barnes "helps clients to engage effectively with the UK Government, Parliament and competition authorities. He has a particular specialization in healthcare, financial services, energy and gambling policy." He spent almost a decade at senior levels in two government departments: at HM Treasury he was private secretary (chief of staff) to the Minister responsible for Government policy on tax and financial services. Then as Special Adviser to the Secretary of State for Social Security, he helped to legislate major reforms of welfare and pensions.[4]

George Bridges In 2006, Bridges was appointed Campaign Director for the Conservative Party, and was responsible for the Party’s media, political and campaign teams. Before that, he was Chairman of the Conservative Research Department, helping to shape and implement the Party’s political strategy.[5]


Quiller Consultants 11-12 Buckingham Gate London SW1E 6LB

Tel: +44 (0)20 7233 9444 Fax: +44 (0)20 7233 657



  1. Quiller Consultants website, accessed Nov 2008
  2. Quillier consultants Our clients, accessed 29 January 2009
  3. Private-equity body BVCA appoints comms director, Public Affairs News, May 2008
  4. Quiller Consultants website, accessed Nov 2008
  5. Quiller Consultants website, accessed Nov 2008