Mary Lou McDonald

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Mary Lou McDonald, MEP

Mary Lou McDonald (born 01 May 1969, Dublin) is an Irish MEP and the Chairperson of the republican party Sinn Féin.[1]

Record of Controversies

Declaration of Financial Interests

Mary Lou McDonald declares no financial interest, and no professional activity rather than her role as an MEP and the Chairperson of Sinn Féin.[2]

Record of Parliamentary Votes

  • Voted against Lisbon Treaty.
  • Voted against Data Retention.


Personal Information

Curriculum vitae

  • BA (Mod.), Trinity College, Dublin (1992).
  • MA, University of Limerick (1993).
  • Researcher, Institute of European Affairs, Dublin (1994-1995).
  • Dublin City University (1995-1998).
  • Consultant, Irish Productivity Centre (1998-2000).
  • Trainer, ETS, ICTU Training Unit (2000-2002).
  • Sinn Féin Political Strategy Coordinator (2002-2004).
  • Member, Sinn Féin Árd Chomhairle (National Executive) (2001- ).


Bât. Altiero Spinelli
60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60
B-1047 Bruxelles/Brussel
+32 (0)2 28 45945


  • European Parliament, Declaration of Members' Financial Interests: Mary Lou McDonald, 09 January 2009, accessed 26 January 2009.
  • European Parliament, MEP Directory: Mary Lou McDonald, accessed 26 January 2009.


  1. European Parliament, MEP Directory: Mary Lou McDonald, accessed 26 January 2009.
  2. European Parliament, Declaration of Members' Financial Interests: Mary Lou McDonald, 09 January 2009, accessed 26 January 2009.