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"Long live the Socialist Revolution in the whole world!"

Manana Aslamazyan: President, Educated Media Foundation According to her internews profile, together with Alexei K. Simonov she:

"launched Russia’s first freedom of speech organization in 1991, the Glasnost Defense Foundation (GDF). In 1992, Aslamazyan began to work with Internews Network to organize events for newly formed independent TV stations around the former Soviet Union. She became its first foreign staff person and by 1994, was managing the Russian operation, which in 1997 registered as a fully independent Russian non-commercial organization. In 2006, in response to changing legislation and its increased focus on training, Internews Russia re-organized as the Educated Media Foundation (EMF)."

Internews Russia/EMF had been involved in numerous projects including the launch of Internews Russia/EMF’s Journalism School and the Russian-American Media Entrepreneurship Dialogue. Aslamazyan served on the boards of several 'Russian' NGOs, Internews Network, and Internews International (a collection of local Internews organizations around the world) and Internews Europe. Aslamazyan's profile states she was part of the Russian Duma Committee on Information Policy, and from 2000 to 2004, the Federal Competition Commission of Ministry of Press, TV Broadcasting and Mass Media. She is a board member of the Academy of Russian Television and served for three years as a Vice-President of the National Association of TV and Radio Broadcasters (NAT).

She was also a trustee of the Institute for Urban Economics (IUE) this also includes Raymond Struyk, Senior Fellow, the Urban Institute, USA (set up in 1968 by President Lyndon B. Johnson) and which the IUE works alongside: such as its International Conference on Decentralization and Development of Local Self

and while you are at it...

and while you are at it... why the silly images thrown into this article -- totally irrelevant, and not even funny... --Paulo 23:19, 28 October 2008 (UTC)