World Media Association
The World Media Association (WMA) was established in 1978 by Rev. Sun Myung Moon, together with his wife, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon. WMA flunkies include: Cynthia Grenier Editor, UPI Religion & Spirituality Forum (writes on Che Guevara as a racist); Larry Moffitt, vice president of United Press International (UPI); William Reed President, Educational Foundation of the Americas and Amb. Phillip Sanchez. O'Sullivan's thesis in his book The President, the Pope, and the Prime Minister, was that "that Reagan, Thatcher and the Pope between them brought about the fall of communism and the end of the Cold War." Why bother with those light weights when you have a friendly neighbourhood Messiah at hand or as Amb. Phillip Sanchez, on the WMA site happily quotes from one of Moon's advertisements:
- "We resolve and proclaim that Reverend Sun Myung Moon is the Savior, Messiah, Second Coming, and True Parent of all humanity. We resolve and proclaim that the Unification Principle is a message of peace for the salvation of humanity and the gospel for the Completed Testament Age.
That actually gets more crazier, because you see Martin Luther, John Wesley, John Harvard (founder of Harvard University), Confucius, Buddha, Buddha's cousin Karl Marx and a few others all offer testimony to Moon's Divinity, as Marx is said to have said:
- "I, Marx, have met God. I have found that he is the Parent of humankind. I have felt the greatness of God’s love. I clearly convey to you who God is. He is the Parent of humankind. Reverend Sun Myung Moon, who is on the earth, brought this fact to light. The Divine Principle and Unification Thought express the original standards that open the way to salvation, so you must read them. I ask this of you seriously.”
Like all the WMA functionaries Sanchez has financial ties to the Moon empire as the former publisher of the New York City Tribune (an English daily newspaper) and Tiempos del Mundo (a Spanish-language weekly printed in many countries) and served as vice president of The Washington Times, where Arnaud de Borchgrave was the former Editor-in-Chief, and spoke with O'Sullivan back in the WMA gig in Seoul 2002.
O'Sullivan took the opportunity (in the capacity of Executive Editor, UPI - Moon has connections to Insight magazine) to warn listeners of the "Chomsky effect," which he describes as "knowing everything about a topic except the essential facts":
- "But I have to say that the Chomsky effect is not unknown in the Western media, especially in outlets like the Nation, in small academic magazines, and in the paranoid extremes of political journalism, where people do not so much believe what they read as read what they already believe. This, of course, protects them from discovering unwelcome truths."
One such publication would be The Terrorism Industry, by Edward S. Herman and Gerry O’ Sullivan which notes on page 187 that "there are significant connections between the mainstream terror experts and the Moon-supported institutes and those affiliated with the Israeli lobby," typified by Walter Laqueur, Michael Ledeen, Edward Luttwak. This also outlines much about the Moon empire including the [International Security Council], the main Moon terrorism propaganda organisation (also devoted to the Strategic Defense Initiative). Or the writing of Robert Parry, such as his outline of the $3 billion spent by Moon on the Washington Times which draws on insider accounts and leaked intelligence documents such as one stating that:
- In late 1975, the CIA intercepted a secret South Korean document entitled "1976 Plan for Operations in the United States." In the name of "strengthening the execution of the U.S. security commitment to the ROK [South Korea]," it called for influencing U.S. public opinion by penetrating American media, government and academia. Thousands of dollars were earmarked for "special manipulation" of congressmen; their staffs were to be infiltrated with paid "collaborators"; an "intelligence network" was to be put into the White House; money was targeted for "manipulation" of officials at the Pentagon, State Department and CIA; some U.S. journalists were to be spied on, while others would be paid; a "black newspaper" would be started in New York; contacts with American scholars would be coordinated "with Psychological Warfare Bureau"; and "an organizational network of anti-communist fronts" would be created.