Fred Demech, Jr.

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Fred Demech, Jr. succeeded Gary Schmitt as Executive Director of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board in 1988.

Since July 1988, Captain Demech has been Acting Executive Director of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board at the White House in Washington, DC. Previously he was Special Assistant to the Director of Naval Intelligence at the Department of the Navy, 1988. From 1987 to 1988, Captain Demech was the Inspector General for the Naval Security Group Command, and from 1984 to 1986, he served as commanding officer of the U.S. Naval Security Group Activity in Edzell, Scotland. From 1981 to 1984, Captain Demech was Deputy Executive Director and then Executive Director of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board at the White House.
Captain Demech graduated from Wilkes College (A.B., 1961), the Naval War College (1974), and the National War College (1987). He has served in the U.S. Navy since 1962. Captain Demech was born June 1,1940, in Taylor, PA. He is married, has one child, and resides in Bowie, MD.[1]


  1. Appointment of Fred Ralph Demech, Jr., as Executive Director of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, The American Presidency Project, University of California at Santa Barbara, accessed 15 July 2008.