National Strategy Information Center
US neoconservative think thank with a focus on intelligence-related issues.
Consortium for the Study of Intelligence
The Consortium for the Study of Intelligence was founded in 1979 as a project of the NSIC. [1]
Board of directors
- Roy Godson: Professor of Government, Georgetown University.
Vice President
- Dorothy E. Nicolosi: Former Treasurer, National Strategy Information Center
Treasurer & Executive Director
- Reed Coleman: Chairman and CEO, Madison-Kipp
- Amado Gayol: President, Gayol and Associates
- Herb Magidson: Former Vice President, American Federation of Teachers
- John O. Marsh, Jr: Former Secretary of the Army
- Jay Mazur: President, 21st Century ILGWU Heritage Fund
- John Norton Moore: Professor of Law, Center for National Security Law, University of Virginia School of Law
- Jerald C. Newman: Former CEO, Long Island Medical Center
- Andrea Scrosati: Vice President, SKY Italia
- Allen Taylor: Chairman, Chipstone Foundation [2]
- Harold C. Hinton (c1980)The China Sea: the American stake in its future; ISBN: 0878558713
- Roy Godson(ed)[1982] Clandestine collection, ISBN: 0878558314.
- Roy Godson(ed)(c1980)Counterintelligence, ISBN: 0878558292.
- Roy Godson(ed)(1981) Covert action, ISBN: 0878558306.
- Roy Godson (ed)(c1980)Intelligence requirements for the 1980's: analysis and estimates, ISBN: 0878558276.
- Roy Godson (ed)(1983)Intelligence requirements for the 1980's: elements of intelligence, ISBN: 087855954X.
- Herbert I. London; preface by John Tower (c1984) Military doctrine and the American character: reflections on airland battle, ISBN: 0887386148.
- İhsan Gürkan [foreword by Sinclair L. Melner](c1980) NATO, Turkey, and the southern flank, ISBN: 087855825X.
- Joyce E. Larson (ed) (1979)New foundations for Asian and Pacific security: based on the addresses, papers, reports, and discussion sessions of an international conference held at Pattaya, Thailand, December 12-16, ISBN: 0878554130.
- Marian K. Leighton (c1979) The Soviet threat to NATO's northern flank, ISBN: 0878558039.
- Alvin J. Cottrell and Michael L. Moodie (c1984) The United States and the Persian Gulf: past mistakes, present needs, ISBN: 0878559094.
Taken from
- Roy S. Godson, Elements of Intelligence, Transaction Publishers, ISBN 087855954X.
- James E. Dougherty and Paul H. Nitze and National Strategy Information Center and Francis X. Kane, The Fateful Ends and Shades of SALT: Past ... Present ... and Yet to Come, Crane, Russak, ISBN 084481332X.
- Morris Albert Adelman and National Strategy Information Center, Oil, Divestiture, and National Security, Crane, Russak, ISBN 0844810703.
- Norman Polmar and National Strategy Information Center, Strategic Weapons: An Introduction, Crane, Russak [for] National Strategy Information Center, ISBN 0844813990
These are undated and taken from states that Godson's Intelligence Requirements for the 1980's : Elements of Intelligence, is also published with the Consortium for the Study of Intelligence.
The list below is taken from National Library of Australia, and included in the list is one from the Institute for the Study of Conflict:
- Strategy papers (National Strategy Information Center)
Published New York : The Center, 1969-
- The Sino-Soviet confrontation : implications for the future / Harold C. Hinton
Published New York : Published by Crane, Russak [for] National Strategy Information Center, c1976
- The evolution of Soviet security strategy, 1965-1975 / Avigdor Haselkorn
Published New York : Crane, Russak, c1978
- Agenda paper / National Strategy Information Center
Published New York : The Center, 1974-1985
- Strategic weapons : an introduction / Norman Polmar
Published New York : Crane, Russak [for] National Strategy Information Center, c1982
- The Military unbalance; is the U.S. becoming a second-class power?
Published New York, National Strategy Information Center [1971]
- Trends in organized crime [electronic resource]
Published New Brunswick, N.J. : Transaction Periodicals Consortium for the National Strategy Information Center, c1995-
- The Challenge of Soviet shipping
Published New York, NY : (111 E. 58th St., New York 10022) : National Strategy Information Center, [1982 or 1983]
- Annual of power and conflict
Published London : Institute for the Study of Conflict
- The fateful ends and shades of SALT : past ... present ... and yet to come? / Paul H. Nitze, James E. Dougherty, and Francis X. Kane
Published New York : Crane, Russak, c1979
- Afghan alternatives : issues, options, and policies / edited by Ralph H. Magnus
Published New Brunswick, N.J., U.S.A. : Transaction Books, c1985
The state that:
- "The Culture of Lawfulness (COL) Project of NSIC is an educational organization that helps develop academic approaches to enhance societal involvement in supporting the rule of law. The COL Project works with school systems, Ministries of Education, non-governmental organizations, and international organizations such as the United Nations and the Organization of American States."