Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems

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SHAAP was established in November 2006 by the Scottish Medical Royal Colleges and Faculties, through their Scottish Intercollegiate Group on Alcohol (SIGA). Members of SIGA were increasingly concerned about the escalating health damage caused by alcohol misuse. This advocacy group hopes to provide an independent medical voice on alcohol problems in Scotland which seeks to reduce the growing problems associated with alcohol realted harm. The independence of the group is supported by their refusal to accept money from the alcohol industry. Some funding has been provided by the Scottish Executive and the group plans to develop further fundraising strategies. [1].

Aims of SHAAP

  • to raise awareness and understanding of alcohol-related health problems with health practitioners, policy makers and the public;
  • to evaluate current research and identify strategies to reduce alcohol-related health damage based on the best available evidence;
  • to work together with key organisations in the alcohol field in Scotland, the rest of the UK and worldwide, in tackling alcohol misuse.[2].


  1. SHAAP Website SHAAP About us Accessed January 31st 2008
  2. SHAAP Website SHAAP About us Accessed January 31st 2008