John O'Connor

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John O'Connor

John O'Connor former Scotland Yard detective. He has been found on television on many occasions to have commented about the incapacity of so called terrorists/those suspected of terrorism. For example in one article while referring to him as a 'TV talking head'.[1] he is quoted as saying

"This was a hopeless, incompetent terrorist attack, I mean when you see the ludicrous situation when none of the bombs were able to be detonated and these guys are then trying to set fire to petrol.All they got was a bonfire, they set fire to fuel - well that in its own way is not going to detonate the gas cylinders and it's not going to cause an explosion - it was just a fire, I mean that is so incompetent as to be almost laughable."

O'Connor also insisted that the perpetrators of the attack should be referred to as "jihadists" rather than Al-Qaeda, which is what the frothing media hurriedly declared them to be just hours after the dud "bombs" were discovered in London.