Gordon Corera

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Gordon Corera is the BBC Newsnight's Security Correspondent

Cyber Jihadists

On 16 January 2008, Corera was the presenter of the Newsnight program "Terrorist 007" on the Cyber-Al Qaeda. The program reports about a young British-Muslim who was allegedly conducting "jihad" on the internet. It is a sprinkling of allegations, quotations from terrorologists, and the imprisonment is taken as final proof of his mass criminal proclivities. That is, spreading information translates to a heinous crime.

In the program ther are some curious comments.

Corera: He viewed footage like this (unarmed civilians walking down the street in Falluja -- and bombed afterwards… the pilot stating "Oh, dude"…) taken from the cockpit of a fighter jet as evidence of a western plan to wipe out Muslims across world. It is alleged that it shows innocent Iraqi civilians being killed in Falluja -- the real facts are unclear.

Corera states that the fact that the young Muslim was incensed at what happened was taken from videos showing the killings of Muslims, but then the videos are merely "alleged" to have shown American crimes. While in the program the "facts" are clear about what the young Muslims were up to, the American crimes in Iraq are "alleged" or merely unclear.

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