Rinus van Schendelen

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Rinus van Schendelen (1944), graduated at University of Amsterdam, and has been a full professor in political science at Erasmus University, Rotterdam, since 1980. He is a visiting professor in North America, China, the Middle East and all over Europe. He is Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of the ECPA.

His research activities are mainly in the fields of the European Union, politics-business relationships, business lobbying, public affairs, parliamentology, Dutch politics and mass-elite relationships.

His academic activities include membership of the Editorial Board of German Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen; of the International Review on Comparative Public Policy; of the Journal of Legislative Studies and of the Journal of Public Affairs. He was Founding Chairman of the ECPA's Research Committee, at Templeton College, Oxford, and is a member of many research networks, including the IPSA, ECPR and ECPA.

His professional activities are mainly in the fields of training, consultancy and research in Public Affairs Management and Lobbying at the EU level. He has worked for companies, trade associations, NGOs, regional and national governments both domestic and foreign, such as Glaxo, 3M, Philips, Shell and Siemens and ministries in China, Finland, Hungary, Oman and the Netherlands. [1]
