Christian Salvesen plc

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Company History

Once known for its whaling fleet, Christian Salvesen Plc has recreated itself as a major European logistics company for the 21st century. Based in Northampton, England, the company offers warehouse design, fleet management, packaging, processing, and other distribution support services for customers ranging from supermarket leaders Safeway and Tesco, to retailers such as Ikea, to food producers including Danone and Chiquita Brands. About half of Salvesen's £738 million turnover comes from its Food and Consumer division, with operations primarily in the United Kingdom. The company's Industrial Division works under contract with such clients as General Motors, Texaco, Agfa, and Exxon Mobil. Salvesen, which split off its former Aggreko generator rental business in 1997, has been focusing increasingly on the European continent. Already by 2001, the company's European sales had grown to 45 percent of total revenues, with plans to raise that percentage to 50 percent. The company's expansion has come not only through internal growth but through an ambitious acquisition program as well, with purchases in France, Germany, and Spain that have strengthened the company's operations. In 2001, Salvesen has moved to bring all of its business under the single Salvesen brand name. Some 35 percent of the company, traded on the London Stock Exchange, remains in the hands of the founding Salvesen family. Operations are guided, however, by Chairman Jonathan Fry and CEO Edward Roderick.[1]


External links


  1. ^ Christian-Salvesen Company WebsiteCompany History