Jerusalem Institute for Market Studies

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Jerusalem Institute for Market Studies (JIMS) is an independent, nonprofit economic policy think tank whose mission is to discover practical ways to promote market solutions and limited government in Israel and the region.

The Institute's main programs include:

    Student Workshop in Austrian Economics
    High School Workshop in Economics
    Tax Freedom Day Calculation for Israel
    Israel Spend-O-Meter of Government Spending

The Institute's areas of research and policy interest:

    Labor Market and Welfare Reform
    Intellectual Property Rights
    The Environment
    Competitive Sourcing
    Tax Reform
    Free Trade

JIMS received an Honorable Mention grant in the Templeton Freedom Award program of 2005 administered by the Atlas Economic Research Foundation.

The Templeton Freedom Award Grants specifically honor promising organizations, especially in parts of the world where there are few independent voices advocating economic freedom, individual liberty, and limited government under the rule of law.