Organization of Women's Freedom in Iraq

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Organization of Women's Freedom in Iraq is a front for the Worker-Communist Party of Iraq. While it is purportedly against the occupation of Iraq, its main target has always been the Iraqi resistance. It works closely with the Alliance for Workers' Liberty, a Trotskyist-Zionist sect within the British left.

Days prior to the US assault on Fallujah in October 2004, OWFI issued a communique which made the following claim amongst others:

In the city of Falluja, at the Mujahideen congress held on October 20,2004, the Islamic criminal Abdulla al-Janabi and Falluja's Shura Council gave a fatwa (religious decree) that Mujahideen fighters should rape girls at age 10 before they are raped by Americans! [1]

In another comment piece Houzan Mahmoud, its UK representative, makes the following claim:

In some places Islamists are even ordering farmers to put shorts on their female goats and sheep. And in certain street markets the display of tomatoes and cucumbers is banned due to their association with genital organs [2]


  1. ^ Equality in Iraq Website Equality
  2. ^ The Guardian June 2006 Houzan Mahmoud

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