Nuclear Industry Association

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In Bed With the Sceptics

The NIA has had close involvement with the known climate sceptic and pro-GM organisation the Scientific Alliance in their joint quest to push nuclear power.

In NIA's October/November 2003, newsletter, Mia Nybrant from the Scientific Alliance wrote that "The goal of truly sustainable and emissions friendly energy has to include the nuclear industry."

Nybant addded that "The Scientific Alliance has been playing a key role in challenging government energy policy. The highlight of the campaign so far was the The conference 2020 vision – powering the UK’s future in May this year, which examined the scientific underpinnings of the major energy sources as set out in the Energy White Paper, and facilitated dialogue between the DTI and stakeholders. Adrian Ham, former Chief Executive of the NIA, put forward the case for nuclear power to retain a role in UK energy supply, warning of the perils of increased reliance on gas and the loss of nuclear expertise."

Nybrant talked about the clear need to change government policy: "Given the current state of the debate, there are clear challenges for the nuclear industry; however, they are not insurmountable as long as there is a focused programme to change the current government policy." [1]

Just under a year later, in September 2004, the two organisations held two joint Seminar on "Nuclear Solutions - The Finnish Experience". The first was at Portcullis House, in Westminster. [2]

The second was in Brighhton to coincide with the Conservbative Party Conference. The chair of the event was Bill Olner MP, from the All Party Parliamentary Group on Nuclear Energy [3]

In June 2005, the NIA held a a futher debate with the Alliance called "The Challenge for Nuclear: The Policy, the Science and the Need for Public Engagement"[4]