European Partnership for Energy and the Environment

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The European Partnership for Energy and the Environment (EPEE) was set up by the fluorinated gases (F-gas) industry which includes producers such as DuPont and Honeywell. Based in Brussels and run by PR firm Hill & Knowlton the EPEE's mission is to prevent EU F-gas bans. Deceptive in name and nature - the EPEE is neither particularly European nor a partnership - its strategy is to greenwash F-gases by claiming they are non-ozone depleting. But the European Partnership for Energy and the Environment fails to say that F-gases are highly potent greenhouse gases while better alternatives do exist. Their fight against science and environmental concern was translated into political success in October 2005. The European Parliament voted against proposed improvements to the F-gas regulation. This corporate bashing of legislation has resulted in a wholly inadequate EU approach to combating the emissions of highly potent greenhouse gases. Source: [1]

The European Partnership for Energy and the environment claims in its mission statement that it is committed to the development of effective european policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the use of refrigerants. The company claims to believe that hydrofluocarbons (HFCs), hydrocarbons, ammonia CO2 are all viable refrigerants depending on application and operational requirments. The company states that they are highly concerned with minimising the effects of Global Warming Impact caused by refrigerants. :Source [2]

External links

'Chilling Intent - the F-gas industry plot to subvert EU Climate legislation', Corporate Europe Observatory, October 2005

BBC Radio 4 'File on 4' documentary on EU lobbying, featuring the European Services Forum and the F-gas lobby. Online listening: Transcript:

BBC NEWS MEPs 'scaremongered to vote no', Tuesday, 22 November 2005, 16:40 GMT