PiranhaKid PRCA Yearbook 2004
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- Zena Martin
- 20 Soho Square
- London W1A LPR
- Telephone: 020 74133724
- Fax: 020 7973 4444
- Email: zena.martin@piranhaKid.com
- Website: www.piranhakid.com
Quality Assessment Achieved
- Consultancy Management Standard
Business Commenced
- 2002
- 10
Range of Services
piranhaKid is a consumer lifestyle agency. Our senior consultants create unique, newsworthy marketing activity across a number of service areas events, sponsorship, advertorials, print advertising, guerrilla, sampling, consumer and trade PR.
Fee Income
- Unable to disclose - Sarbanes Oxley Act
Current Clients
- Ford *
- Wanacloo
- Right Guard *
- Robinsons *
- Nokia
- * = client retained for more than three years
- ** = client retained for more than five years
Ad Hoc Clients
Partners / Directors
Holders of Public Office
- None
Parent or Principal Company
Subsidiary Companies
- N/A
Associate Companies
- Hill & Knowlton
Overseas Owned Offices Within
- N/A
International Affiliates Within
- N/A
Other Addresses
- N/A