Mathilda Marks-Kennedy Jewish Primary School

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Mathilda Marks-Kennedy Jewish Primary School (URN:101376) is a Barnet based Jewish mainstream Mixed primary school for ages 3-11.

It is run by the The Mathilda Marks-Kennedy Jewish Primary School Trust (Company number 04021015) under the auspices of the United Synagogue/Scopus Jewish Educational Trust

Relation to Zionism

  • 'We see Zionism and a love of the State of Israel as important factors in our lives. We also promote and embrace a multicultural, tolerant and respectful Britain.'[1]
  • 'The importance of Israel as a land of our heritage and belief in Zionism is key to our school ethos. Each day we pray for the safety of the land and all its inhabitants. We mark the special days of Yom HaZikaron and Yom Ha’Atzmaut with ceremonies and lessons to explain their significance. On Yom HaZikaron, we hold a solemn and sensitive assembly, led by Year 6, to remember the fallen soldiers. This is typically attended by parents, governors, the Mayor of Barnet, our Patron of the school Lord Levy and his wife Lady Levy, as well as a representative from the Israeli Embassy. As expected, in complete contrast to this, Yom Ha’Atzmaut is celebrated in true MMK style, beginning with families, dressed in the blue and white colours of the Israeli flag, dancing in the playground. The music, dancing, singing and exciting educational activities, together with a delicious Israeli lunch, create a very special day at MMK.' [2]
  • '98% of parents feel that their child has developed a love for Judaism and Zionism throughout the school (Updated February 2019)'[2]


The Locker Foundation

