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Nuclear Spinners Working for Nirex

The Following PR Companies have provided PR advice to Nirex since 2003:

Promise - To provide Professional Consultancy regarding a posssible changbe in company name - £45,000

Kingsmead Commmunications - To provide professsional consultancy and support in the area of media relations and corporate communications - £25,000

Fleishman Hillard - (formerly GPC) - To provide corporate communications advice in relation to the Scottish Parliament - £129,900

Fleishman Hillard - To provide corporate communications advice in relation to the European Parliament - £53,200

Connect - To provide corporate communications advice in relation to Westminster and the National Assembly for Wales - £72,200

Bell Pottinger - To provide commmunications advice related to the Nirex pension fund - £24,000

International Future Forum - Praxis Limited - To provide Corporate Communications advice in relation to the Managing Radiactive Waste Safelyu (MRWS) consultation programme - £32,000

ForthRoad Limited - To help facilitate external events - £29,000

Facilitating Change Limited - To help facilitate external events - £14,800

The Future Foundation - To help facilitate external evetns and to help draft corporate communications materials - £31,500

ERM - To undertake an asssement of stakeholder views of Nirex - £32,600

MORI - To undertake a public opinion survey - £30,000 - due to be repeated in 2005/06

Women's Insitute - To participate in a workshop to discuss radiactive waste management - £5,000

[Ref: D. Wild (2005) Freedom of Information Request, Letter to Jean McSorley, Senior Advisor to Greenpeace UK, 15 July]