Hannah Stuart

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Hannah Stuart is co-head of the British think tank Policy Exchange's 'Security and Extremism Unit' [1]

She was previously a research fellow at the Henry Jackson Society (HJS) think tank, and before that was a researcher at the Centre for Social Cohesion which merged with the HJS.

Stuart is the co-author of Islam on Campus: A survey of UK student opinions, published by the CSC, and worked on the updated edition of Islamist Terrorism: The British Connections, focusing on Islamism-inspired offences and attacks in the UK from 1999 to present.


She holds a BA in English Literature from the University of Bristol and an MA in International Studies and Diplomacy from the School of Oriental and African Studies.[2]


Spittoon Articles


  1. Hannah Stuart], Policy Exchange website, accessed 1 February 2018
  2. Centre for Social Cohesion People - Who Are We