American Islamic Congress

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American Islamic Congress logo, circa 2015 Credit: American Islamic Congress

The American Islamic Congress (AIC) describes itself as a ' nonprofit, non-religious, civil society development organization serving Muslims and Non-Muslims by promoting civil and human rights through advocacy, engagement and education.'[1]


Writer Max Blumenthal has charged that 'the AIC is funded largely by a pool of right-wing donors responsible for bankrolling key players in America’s Islamophobia industry'.[2]

Conservative donors such as the Klarman Family Foundation and the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation‎‎ are significant funders, the latter donating USD $325,000 [3] to the AIC between 2005-2011, and another $100,000 between 2012-2015. [4]

The Klarman Family Foundation has funded American Islamic and Palestinian organisations, with the aim, Max Blumenthal argues, of driving "a wedge through mainstream Muslim-American organising".[5]

AIC has refused to engage with mainstream Muslim civil rights groups and forbade 'members of its student arm, Project Nur, from discussing Palestine-related issues on campus'.

Key grants

Grants received by the American Islamic Congress in $ USD [6]
Organisation 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2009-2015
Klarman Family Foundation - 50,000- 50,000- 40,000 40,000 - - 180,000
Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation‎‎ - 40,000 35,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 20,000 170,000


  1. AIC’s Mission and Principles, American Islamic Congress, accessed 2 April 2014.
  2. Max Blumenthal, Weddady’s Free Arabs, American Islamic Congress and the pro-Israel funders who helped them rise, Electronic Intifada, 7 May 2013.
  3. Center for American Progress’s 2011 report Fear Inc
  4. IRS Form 990s reviewed by Spinwatch
  5. Max Blumenthal, "American Task Force on Palestine finds funding from anti-Palestinian billionaire and a repressive monarchy," Mondoweiss, 27 Nov 2013
  6. Data compiled from yearly 990 forms