St Philip Westbrook Church of England Primary School

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FrackWell.png This article is part of the Spinwatch Fracking Portal and project

The St Philip Westbrook Church of England Primary School is a Local Ecumenical Partnership sponsored by the Church of England and The Methodist Church and part of the Anglican Team of West Warrington. It is situated in Westbrook, Warrington. [1]

Prevent Policy

linking anti-fracking activists with extremists

Screengrab: St Philip Westbrook Church of England Primary School 'Prevent Strategy', page 24

Spinwatch reported in December 2016 that the school had included ‘anti-fracking’ among the list of types of extremism that could potentially draw children into ‘terrorism’.[2] The school’s ‘Safeguarding Training – Prevent strategy’ presentation which is designed to ‘protect children from the risk of radicalisation’ includes anti-fracking groups alongside known threats such as ‘ISIL’ and the ‘ extreme right wing’ English Defence League. [3]


  1. St Philip Westbrook Church of England Primary School: About Us, St Philip Westbrook Church of England Primary School, accessed 13 December 2016.
  2. Russell Scott and Melissa Jones, Update: more documents show police, councils and schools labelling anti-fracking protestors as extremists, Spinwatch, 09 December 2016, accessed 12 December 2016.
  3. St Philip Westbrook Church of England Primary School: Prevent Training, St Philip Westbrook Church of England Primary School, accessed 13 December 2016.