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AECOM is an American multinational engineering firm that provides design, consulting, construction, and management services to a range of clients. It employs around 95,000 people and was ranked number 156 on the 2016 Fortune 500 list. It claims to be 'a global network of experts working with clients, communities and colleagues to develop and implement innovative solutions to the world’s most complex challenges.'

Its field of expertise includes 'delivering clean water and energy. Building iconic skyscrapers. Planning new cities. Restoring damaged environments. Connecting people and economies with roads, bridges, tunnels and transit systems. Designing parks where children play. Helping governments maintain stability and security.' They also claim to 'connect expertise across services, markets, and geographies to deliver transformative outcomes. Worldwide, we design, build, finance, operate and manage projects and programs that unlock opportunities, protect our environment and improve people’s lives.' [1]

Report on security risks of shale gas exploitation

AECOM published a report on shale gas in Scotland entitled 'Decommissioning, site restoration and aftercare – obligations and treatment of financial liabilities' in November 2016.

Their full summary:

'The aims of this project was to better understand the steps that can be taken to ensure decommissioning, site restoration and aftercare of any potential unconventional oil and gas development can be undertaken in a way that minimises impacts on communities and the environment, and identify different models of financial guarantee that provide robust security against liabilities. The research finds that international and UK experience shows that the risk of leakage from abandoned UOG wells is likely to be low provided best practice is implemented during well construction and abandonment operations under a strong regulatory regime. There is a residual risk that a small proportion of wells may fail, and leaks may occur from these wells under certain circumstances. However, with appropriate regulatory oversight and monitoring, it is considered that, with minor modification to licensing powers, Scotland’s regulatory framework is sufficiently robust to manage risks of well leakage consistent with the aim of providing suitable protection for communities and the environment. The research also finds that, taking lessons from opencast coal mining, there are financial guarantees available which can minimise the risk of operators failing to honour their commitment to decommissioning and the risk of the costs of repair of leaking orphaned wells falling on the public purse.' [2]


  1. AECOM: about, AECOM, accessed 15 December 2015.
  2. Unconventional oil and gas research published, Wired Gov, 09 November 2016. Accessed 15 December 2016.