National Grid

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'National Grid plc is an international energy delivery business, whose principal activities are in the regulated electricity and gas industries. In the UK it owns and operates the high-voltage electricity transmission network in England and Wales, and Britain's natural gas transportation system. In the US it is one of the top ten electricity companies, with the largest electricity transmission and distribution network in the New England/New York region. In the US National Grid has a long history of implementing award winning energy efficiency programmes.' [1] They stand to profit significantly from changes to the transmission system needed for a transition to alternative energies.


Steve Lucas - Finance Director. Appointed October 2002. Had been Executive Director, Finance of Lattice Group plc. Previously Treasurer of BG Group plc having joined British Gas plc in 1994. Prior was with Shell for 11 years. Non-executive Director of Compass Group PLC.[3]


Former lobbyists

EU Lobbying

National Grid have 20 lobbyists working on EU issues with 3 of these holding European Parliament passes, allowing the bearer virtually unlimited access to the Parliament's buildings. Despite the high amount of lobbyists, the company registered less than €500,000 of lobby expenses in the year up to March 2014.







  1. UKBCSE BCSE Members, BCSE homepage. accessed 12/02/09
  2. National Grid, BoardSir John Parker Accessed 9/11/09
  3. National Grid, BoardSteve Lucas Accessed 9/11/09
  4. National Grid, BoardNick Winser Accessed 9/11/09
  5. Sam Burne James [1], National Grid brings in new UK corporate affairs chief from drug giant Lilly], PR Week, accessed 6 December 2016.
  6. Register 1st September 2014 - 30th November 2014 APPC, accessed 28 January 2015
  7. Agency Register September to November 2014 PRCA, accessed 25 March 2015
  8. Register Entry for 1 September 2008 to 30 November 2008 APPC, accessed 28 January 2015
  9. Our clients, acc 12 December 2011
  10. Data from Internet Archive holdings of the Science Media Centre website, 2002-2013.