Robin Birley

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Robin Marcus Birley (born February 1958)[1] is a British businessman, owner of the club 5 Hertford Street.[2]

Birley has been a significant donor to both the Conservative Party and UKIP.[3]


Birley is the the son of Mark Birley and Annabel Goldsmith, and the half-brother of Zac Goldsmith, Ben Goldsmith and Jemima Goldsmith.[4]


  1. Robin Marcus Birley, Companies House, Accessed 1 September 2016
  2. Rita Konig, Like Home, Only Better, Wall Street Journal, 23 August 2012.
  3. A Major UKIP Donor Is Also Bankrolling Michael Gove’s Re-Election Campaign, Buzzfeed, 16 April 2015.
  4. Sarah Rainey, Mark Birley: 'His things were thrown to the wolves’, Daily Telegraph, 22nd March, 2013