George Eustice

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George Eustice

George Eustice has been the Conservative Party MP for Camborne and Redruth since 2010. He was appointed a parliamentary under-secretary for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs in October 2013,[1] with responsibility for farming, food and marine environment.

In the 2015 election, Eustice retained his seat with a majority of 7,004 and 40 per cent of the vote. He was also promoted to minister of state at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. [2]


In 2009, Eustice joined Portland Communications as an associate director.[3]


Eustice is described as having gained 'nine years of political campaign experience, first for the anti-euro 'No Campaign' as its campaign director between 1999 and 2003 and then as the Conservative Party's head of press under Michael Howard between 2003 and the 2005 General Election.' He was David Cameron's press secretary from 2005 until the end of 2007 and was part of his campaign team during his leadership contest. [4]


  1. George Eustice,, accessed 8 October 2013
  2. George Eustice named as Defra Minister ITV News, 11 May 2015, accessed 13 May 2015
  3. Tory former press secretary George Eustice joins Portland, Guardian, 27 March 2009
  4. George Eustice MP, former press secretary to Rt Hon David Cameron MP The Guardian, 17 January 2012, accessed 23 April 2015