Saatchi & Saatchi

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Saatchi & Saatchi is a PR agency founded in London in 1970 by Charles Saatchi (1943- ), Maurice Saatchi (1946- ) and Tim Bell. The agency was best known for its extensive propaganda campaign for the Conservative Party (UK) during several elections. In particular, S&S produced the effective political advertising of Margaret Thatcher's campaign. The brothers Saatchi were later removed from the agency and have set up a new firm called M&C Saatchi. Saatchi and Saatchi is now part of the transnational Publicis Groupe.

Recent history

According to

Once the core of Maurice and Charles's world-beating marketing empire, Saatchi & Saatchi suffered serious setbacks in the early 1990s. Uncontrolled over-expansion led to the ousting of its founding brothers, and subsequent demerger from its corporate parent Cordiant. After a brief period of independence, it was snapped up by Publicis in 2000. Advertising Age ranked Saatchi's as the #12 agency brand worldwide in 2005 with revenues of $552m.

Nation Branding

In 2006, a global survey revealed that "Israel" that there was a negative perception of the country. The Israeli government consulted with various PR companies to rebrand itself, and S&S was part of this effort. As Berkowitz writes:

Although the new public relations effort is still in its formative stages, and a budget for it has yet to be developed, a staff person with the London-based global advertising firm Saatchi and Saatchi acknowledged that it is already working with the Israelis free of charge on the re-branding effort.[1]


Political donations

Recorded by the Electoral Commission:

Date Name of donor Amount Donated to Subsidiary (parties only)
30/09/2008 Saatchi & Saatchi Group Limited, 80 Charlotte Street £286,174.92 Labour Party Central Party
31/12/2008 Saatchi & Saatchi Group Limited, 80 Charlotte Street £40,775.30 Labour Party Central Party
31/03/2009 Saatchi & Saatchi, 80 Charlotte Street £21,651.95 Labour Party Central Party
30/06/2009 Saatchi, 80 Charlotte Street £11,468.21 Labour Party Central Party
30/09/2009 Saatchi & Saatchi Group Limited, 80 Charlotte Street £41,118.93 Labour Party Central Party
31/12/2009 Saatchi & Saatchi Group Limited, 80 Charlotte Street £77,968.01 Labour Party Central Party
31/03/2010 Saatchi & Saatchi Group Ltd, 80 Charlotte Street £91,976.36 Labour Party Central Party
31/05/2010 Saatchi and Saatchi Group Limited, 80 Charlotte Street £322,605.41 Labour Party Central Party
31/05/2010 Saatchi & Saatchi Group Limited, 80 Charlotte Street £322,605.41 Labour Party Central Party



Contact, References and Resources




  1. Bill Berkowitz, Looking for an Extreme Makeover, Electronic Intifada, 12 January 2007.
  2. Electoral Commission, Donation Search, accessed 2 March 2015