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Hachette is a French publisher. It is one of the largest English-language publishers in the world and, according to the company, 'the world’s second largest trade and educational publisher.'

Hachette UK is made up of several publishing companies and imprints, Hodder Education being its UK school division.

Hodder Education

Hodder Education provides both print and digital resources to secondary schools and colleges. Its Dynamic Learning ebook platform is in over 50% of UK secondary schools, according to the company. It claims that ' digital learning is embedded in all schools' in the UK.

Testing 4 year olds

In 2014 Hodder was one of six firms shortlisted to provide 'baseline' tests to children entering the English schools system at Reception age. The controversial tests, introduced in 2015, will see children assessed, aged four or five, in the first six weeks of starting school and are designed to provide a starting point to measure progress against through primary school. Many have been critical of the tests, saying that they are unreliable, that children of that age are too young to test, and that it reinforces a damaging approach to education that focuses on more and more testing to get results and judge teacher performance.



