Dansk Folkeparti

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The Dansk Folkeparti (DF), or Danish People's Party in English, is a right-wing anti-immigrant party in Denmark,[1] From 2001 to 2011, Denmark was ruled by a minority conservative-liberal coalition, which depended on DF support. As a result, Denmark gained some of the strictest asylum laws in Europe.[2]

In Denmark's June 2015 'cliffhanger election', the Danish People's Party almost doubled its backing from the 2011 election after promising tougher immigration laws. Winning more than 21 per cent of the vote and 37 seats in the 179-seat parliament, it is now the country's second largest party.

The election saw Denmark's first female and prime minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt concede the centre-left's coalition's defeat and resign. Lars Løkke Rasmussen, the leader of the right-wing Venstre Liberal party, will become Denmark’s next prime minister and lead a centre-right coalition of the Danish People's Party.


Europe Parliament


External resources


  1. Susi Meret, The Danish People's Party, the Italian Northern League and the Austrian Freedom Party in a Comparative Perspective: Party Ideology and Electoral Support, Aalborg : Institut for Historie, Internationale Studier og Samfundsforhold, Aalborg Universitet, 2010. (SPIRIT PhD Series; 25).
  2. Jan Olsen, People's Party out of favour, Scotland on Sunday, 11 September 2011.
  3. Peter Stanners, Newspaper challenges right wing leader on multiculturalism, Copenhagen Post, 9 August 2011.