Serge Trifkovic

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Srđa Trifković is a Serbian-American writer on international affairs and foreign affairs editor for the paleoconservative magazine Chronicles.

He was director of the Center for International Affairs at the Rockford Institute until his resignation on 31 December 2008. Trifković was an unofficial spokesman for the Republika Srpska government in the 1990s and a former adviser to Serbian president Vojislav Koštunica and Republika Srpska president Biljana Plavšić.[3]

Trifković is the author of Sword of the Prophet: The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam, a book about the history and tenets of Islam which identifies the rise of Islamic fundamentalism as the greatest danger to Western values since the end of the Cold War.

In February 2011, Canadian authorities refused to allow Trifković to enter Canada to address a meeting at the University of British Columbia at Vancouver.

Counterjihad conference speaker

Trifković was keynote speaker at the 2008 Counterjihad Vienna Conference, held in Vienna on 10 May 2008, where he argued that:

an education campaign about the teaching and practice of Islam should result in legislative action that would exclude Islam from the societies it is targeting - not because it is an intolerant “religion,” but because it is an inherently seditious totalitarian ideology incompatible with the values of the West.[1]

Publications and articles

  • Rivalry between Germany and Italy in Croatia, 1942-1943. December 1993.  Cambridge University Press. pp. 879–904
  • Ustasa: Croatian separatism and European politics, 1929-1945, London (1998); ISBN 1-892478-00-5
  • The Sword of the Prophet: The politically incorrect guide to Islam: History, Theology, Impact on the World, Boston, Regina Orthodox Press (2002); ISBN 1-928653-11-1
  • Defeating Jihad: How the War on Terrorism May Yet Be Won, In Spite of Ourselves, Regina Orthodox Press (2006)
  • The Krajina Chronicle: A History of Serbs in Croatia, Slavonia and Dalmatia, The Lord Byron Foundation, (2010)


  1. Dymphna, Counterjihad Vienna 2008, Gates of Vienna, 12 May 2008.