Save Our Sugar

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Save Our Sugar is an initiative that was created in 2012 by Tate & Lyle Sugarrs, one of Europe’s leading suppliers of sugar and sweetener products [1], in an attempt to bring transparency to the European Union debate on sugar and cane refining. At a time when negotiations for a revised Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and the rules for the European sugar market will be altered save our sugar believes that it is crucial to ensure that cane refining is treated fairly in the EU. [2]

SAVEourSUGAR campaign

Save Our Sugar introduced the SAVEourSUGAR campaign in order to try and create a level playing field where cane and beet sugar can compete on an equal basis to help maintain in the long-term a sustainable European manufacturing business in both the period leading up to 2017 as well as post-2017 when the next phase of the sugar regime commences. [3]


  • Gerald Mason - Vice President, EU Affairs & Strategy, Tate & Lyle Sugars
  • Brussels +32 (2) 791 7680
  • London: +44 (0) 20 7540 6625
  • Mobile: +44 (0) 77 1773 8371
  • Email:


  1. Our Business Tate & Lyle Sugars, accessed 8 April 2015
  2. WHY THE SAVEOURSUGAR CAMPAIGN? Save Our Sugar, accessed 8 April 2015
  3. Our Campaign Save Our Sugar, accessed 8 April 2015