Karen Buck

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Karen Buck has been the Labour MP for Westminster North since 2010. From 1997 until 2010 she was MP for Regent's Park & Kensington North.[1]

Buck was a Parliamentary Under-Secretary at the (Department for Transport) from 2005-06. She served as Shadow Minister (Work and Pensions) 2010-11, and as Shadow Minister (Education) 2011-13.[1]



  • Address: The Labour Party, 4G Shirland Mews, London, W9 3DY
  • Telephone: 020 8968 7999
  • Fax: 020 8960 0150
  • Email: buckk@parliament.uk


  • Address: House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA
  • Telephone: 020 7219 3000
  • Fax: 020 7219 3664
  • Email: buckk@parliament.uk

Web & Social media


  1. 1.0 1.1 Ms Karen Buck, UK Parliament, 10 September 2013.