Sheila Gilmore

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Sheila Gilmore

Sheila Gilmore is the Labour MP for Edinburgh East. She was elected in May 2010 with a majority of 9,181. [1]


Gilmore entered politics in 1991 when she was was elected as Labour councillor for Moredun. She was then appointed convenor for housing in 1999, a position that she retained until she stood down from the council in 2007. [2]



  • Address: House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA
  • Telephone: 020 7219 3000
  • Email:


  • Address: 84 Niddrie Mains Road, Edinburgh, EH16 4DT
  • Telephone: 0131 661 7522

Web & Social media


  1. Sheila Gilmore MP, accessed 4 March 2015
  2. Sheila Gilmore, accessed 4 March 2015