John Davidson

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John Colin Campbell Davidson (23 February 1889 - 11 December 1970), known as John Campbell Davidson or J.C.C. Davidson, was a Conservative politician and propagandist. He was the Deputy Chief Civil Commissioner at the UK Government's strike breaking organisation the Supply and Transport Committee during the General Strike, and was responsible for Government propaganda. [1] He recruited Joseph Ball to run the Conservative Party's surveillance and propaganda section known as the Intelligence Department, which Ball renamed the Publicity Department. [2]

Davidson was Honorary Adviser on Commercial Relations at the Ministry of Information in 1940, and in 1941 the Ministry's Controller of Production. [3]


  1. Portcullis Archive Catalogue, Papers of John Campbell Davidson MP (1889-1970) RefNo DAV/173 [Accessed 29 March 2010]
  2. Philip M. Taylor, British propaganda in the 20th century: Selling Democracy (Edinburgh University Press, 1999) p.134.
  3. DAVIDSON’, Who Was Who, A & C Black, 1920–2008; online edn, Oxford University Press, Dec 2007 [Accessed 28 March 2010]