Bill Warner

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Bill Warner is the editor-in-chief and director of the Center for the Study of Political Islam.[1]

He also runs a website blog called Political Islam.

Bill Warner is the nom de guerre of Bill French.

Warner holds a PhD in physics and math, and has been a university professor, businessman, and applied physicist. [2]


From his biography:

Dr. Warner has had a life-long interest in religion and its effects on history. He has studied the source texts of the major religions for decades. Even before the destruction of the World Trade Center he had predicted the war between Islam and America. The day after 9/11 he decided to make the source texts of Islam available for the average person.
Dr. Warner’s training in scientific theory and mathematics shaped how he analyzed Islamic doctrine. The first step was realizing that the Islamic texts had been made deliberately difficult to read and comprehend. A program, the Trilogy Project (see below), was created to strip away the confusion in the texts. It became clear that Islam is not constructed on the same civilizational principles as the rest of the world. Simple statistical methods revealed that dualism and submission were the foundational principles of Islamic doctrine.
Statistical methods applied to the Islamic texts showed that:
  • Islam is far more of a political system than a religion.
  • There is no unmitigated good in Islam for the Kafir (non-Muslim).
  • Islam’s ethical system is dualistic and is not based on the Golden Rule.
  • Islamic doctrine cannot be reconciled with our concepts of human rights and our Constitution.
  • The great majority, 96%, of all Islamic doctrine about women subjugates them.
  • The Sunna (what Mohammed did and said) is more important than the Koran in a Muslim’s daily life.
Dr Warner coined the term, Foundational School of Islamic studies, which holds that Islam is found in the Trilogy of Koran, Sira and Hadith. All evaluation of Islamic history and current activity is caused by the doctrine found in this Trilogy. Therefore, it is impossible to understand any Muslim or Islamic action without knowing the doctrine that is its cause.
Dr Warner postulates that there are three independent views of Islam that are not reconcilable. The three views are believer-centric, apoligist-centric and Kafir-centric. The believer-centric view is the view of a Muslim. Apologist-centric is based upon the apologetic view of non-Muslims. Kafir-centric is the view of the non-Muslim. A comprehensive knowledge of Islam must include all three. These views cannot be resolved, but each must stand-alone.


  1. About Us, Center for the Study of Political Islam, accessed 12 October 2009.
  2. About Dr. Bill Warner, Author, Political Islam blog, accessed 25 February 2015