Center for the Study of Political Islam

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Center for the Study of Political Islam is a Nashville-based, for-profit organization founded by former Tennessee State University physics professor Bill French. The organization is a leading opponent of the construction of a mosque in Murfreesboro. A lengthy investigation by Bob Smietana of The Tenessean described one of French's appearances at an event opposing the mosque:

With an American flag as a backdrop, French paced back and forth like the Church of Christ ministers he heard growing up. His message: how creeping Shariah law is undermining the very fabric of American life.
"This offends Allah," said French, pointing to the flag on the wall. "You offend Allah."
French, who has no formal education in religion, believes Islam is not a religion. Instead, he sees Islam and its doctrine and rules — known as Shariah law — as a totalitarian ideology.
In his 45-minute speech, he outlined a kind of 10 commandments of evil — no music, no art, no rights for women — taken from his book Sharia Law for Non-Muslims. The speech was free, but his books, penned under the name "Bill Warner," were for sale in the back and ranged from about $9 to $20.[1]



  1. Bob Smietana, Does anyone profit from spreading anti-Muslim fear? Some do, The Tennessean ($ paywall), 24 October 2010