Anglo American Plc

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Mining-alcans-60px.jpg This article is part of the Mining and Metals project of Spinwatch



Tax avoidance

Anglo American has 30 companies registered in Luxembourg, a place hardly known for its rich mineral deposits remarks Action Aid in its 2011 report 'Addicted to tax havens'.

The names of some of these companies – Anglo Venezuela Investments Sarl and Kumba West Africa Sarl – hint at the links between these tax haven vehicles and the developing countries in which the mining activity really takes place.


See Sourcewatch on Anglo American.


  1. Hansard Society Hansard Society Corporate Supporters Programme, Retrieved from the Internet Archive of 10 April 2008, Accessed 20 October 2010
  2. Hansard Society Corporate Supporters, Retrieved from the Internet Archive of 6 February 2007, Accessed 20 October 2010
  3. Hansard Society Corporate Supporters, Retrieved from the Internet Archive of 27 December 2003, Accessed 20 October 2010
  4. Controlled Foreign Companies (CFCs) working groups and committees: Working group on CFC interim improvements (established July 2010), acc 5 October 2011
  5. Register 1st September 2014 - 30th November 2014 APPC, accessed 29 January 2015